The Gift Makes Room For You

I am honored to know that you have taken the time to read this post. Anyone who reads another’s writings should count it as a privilege that someone is taking their time and effort to absorb the material. The exchange between writer and reader is what I call, The great exchange. It is where the writer and reader create a dynamic, memorable, imaginative, personal and unique world. That is how it works between writer and reader, but the Great Exchange occurs anytime we have a gift that we share. Are you a gardener, a painter, or a scientist? The medium is not as important as the exchange of the gift or The Great Exchange. While the phrase, ‘A man’s gift makes room for him,’ is biblical, it applies to every area of life, secular and non-secular. It does not equate to a religious only phraseology; if you take the time to exchange your gifts, whether for fortune or fame or charity, the exchange of that gift will make room for you to share it.

In my last post, I wrote about how your gift comes effortlessly to you. My follow-up question is, why would you not want to share your unique gifts? Sharing can be as intimate as your friends and family or as expansive as the world. Only you know how your talents can be shared with others. We can start with our inner circle, which organically grows over time. Like any actual living essence, the growth process is a part of living in the great mystery. Not all things unfold at the same rate or time. A more concrete example of a great exchange is during a celebrated holiday. Take any holiday of your pick, like Valentine’s Day or Christmas.

People are typically in a mad rush trying to find that perfect gift to exchange. We tend only to exchange gifts that we deem valuable to others. You wouldn’t willingly exchange junk as a gift (unless it was a prank); it is the same concept as our God-given talents. You were given with great care, a precious gift to share. Some of us are given multiple gifts that may fall into one central area or radiate into a prism of gifts. I would dare say you’ve been given priceless gifts! Whether you know it or not, your gift is worth the great exchange. It’s up to you to find, mine, cultivate, and share it. The entire biblical phrase coined is: A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men. (Proverbs 18:16). That is a compelling statement and is a solid and encouraging reminder that we should want to take advantage of our gift and enter into the great exchange. Your gift can expand your horizons and cause you to experience more abundance in life. The abundance of health, happiness, and purpose is not only monetary. The call to action is to allow your gifts to make room for you- today! LNora

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