We are here but only for a finite amount of time. We all have the same number of hours as our neighbor, our co-worker and anyone else who is living on the planet. Time-how should we handle such an awesome amount of power and responsibility? It is a fudamental question we face but often one we shy away from. Many people desire very much to change their life. They are passionate and want to accomplish their dreams, tomorrow.
But, let me let you in on a small secret. There is no tomorrow. Only today can transcend your tomorrow. Ecclesiastes 3 states there is a time for everything. A time to live and die to reap and sow.
You really have nothing to lose when you start to utlize your gifts in the here and now. You have everything to lose if you defer your dreams yet another day into the future. You might think this is an unfair statement. You may think you have too many other pressing issues to handle to set aside time to work on your gifts. And while that may be true, there comes a point when you have to get honest with yourself and determine that it’s your time that counts. You get to look yourself squarely in the mirror everyday and proclaim a day of victory or a day of defeat.
Only you can make the necessary changes to move your life in the direction you want it to go. Remember, we choose by not choosing also. By saying, I’ll do it tomorrow, it is essentially sending the message that you and your dreams are not worth your time or effort. Why not get serious with your motives and desires and move your life one step closer to your dreams.
What can you do right now that would take you one step closer to using your gifts today?
Where Fact Meets Fiction
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